LATCHFORD THE future of a vital lifeline for the Latchford community is at stake and residents are the ones who can help to save it.

St Margaret’s Community Centre, on Lindley Avenue, is at crisis point with only enough money to keep the centre running for the next four months.

The centre relies entirely on money generated from grants and donations and renting out rooms to community groups.

Clr Steve Wright (LAB – Latchford East) said: “The money we have got will keep the centre going until September or October. We have had help from Sellafield and Warrington Borough Council over the past couple of months.”

The centre was set up after the area surrounding St Margaret’s became plagued by anti-social behaviour.

In 1993 Christ Church Parish Council offered the community the building to take on as a hub for residents and St Margaret’s Community Project was launched.

The centre finally opened its doors in 1995 and since then has helped to create a positive influence not only for the people using the centre but also in the reducion of anti-social behaviour, says Clr Wright.

The centre hosts a wide range of groups including a carers’ support group, dance clubs and youth clubs that attract up to 700 visitors a week.

It even has a computer suite offering drop-in sessions for residents whether they are IT whizz kids or complete novices.

Last week St Margaret’s Community Partnership, the management team and residents met for a crisis conference to try to find the cash needed to help keep the centre running.

Anyone wanting to help can call Clr Wright on 658171.