A COMMITTEE set up to oppose the siting of a combined waste water and storm drain on the Stocks Lane playing fields has presented a petition to Great Sankey Parish Council.

The petition, containing some 300 signatures objecting to the United Utilities development, was handed over to the council at its latest meeting.

As part of the exercise, the Stocks Lane committee asked residents what they use the field for, why they were opposed to the proposition and noted distances travelled to use the field.

Chairman Jim Connolly said: “Our findings have indicated that use of the field, which has a covenant on it, is more diverse than we would have expected.

“Individuals or groups use it for family recreational activities, fitness training and dog walking to name a few.

“The catchment area for the usage is a lot wider ranging – people are willing to travel that little bit further.”

Mr Connolly said the survey of residents and users of the field confirmed committee members’ sentiments that odours are the main reason for objections but there were also concerns about the affect the building would have on activities on the field and safety.

He added: “Should the decision be made to construct on the playing field, half of it would be fenced off for the duration of the project.

“With the large excavation comes heavy plant and machinery and all the associated damage to the surface.

“We would envisage the area would become liable to waterlogging for some considerable time, possibly years after the project and this will seriously affect the activities it is used for, particularly as a football pitch – I believe up to 20 teams may use this field.

“Although we sympathise with the residents of Pyecroft Road and understand the need for the pit, we feel that Stocks Lane playing field plays a vital role in providing health and wellbeing to the community.”