A FORMER Woolston High School pupil has achieved his dream of being chosen to represent the Army at a prestigious international cadet competition at the historic West Point Academy in America.

Shaun Clarke, aged 24, an officer cadet at Sandhurst, was awarded the Sandhurst Cup Flash with his team, given only to top competitors.

Shaun was chosen for the squad after a long process of physical and mental agility tests and became one of 30 cadets in the elite squad sent to the competition.

This year 48 teams from around the world competed. Each country selects its top cadets and trains them to think laterally and adapt to situations.

Shaun’s quick thinking when faced with a 12 ft A-frame roof saw the team get over it in seconds by making a human pyramid.

“I volunteered because I want to be in the Parachute Regiment and the physical training and conditioning is a demonstration that I can hack it with the fittest of the fit,” said Shaun, formerly of Fearnhead.

“We are taught not to take everything that we see at face value, use all things to our advantage and I have been impressed with my team mates and how they think problems through.”