IT’S official – St Stephen’s Catholic Primary School is outstanding!

At its most recent Ofsted inspection officers gave a glowing report of the school in Sandy Lane, Orford, highlighting its happy atmosphere and the excellent progress pupils make there.

The varied curriculum and lively teaching were especially praised by inspectors who noted the way pupils came on ‘in leaps and bounds’ to become high achievers.

“Children join the reception class with skills that are well below those typical for their age but by the time they reach the end of year six pupils are reaching standards that are above average,” the report said.

It identified procedures for combating absence as bringing about a ‘significant improvement’ to attendance rates, and praised the school’s Catholic ethos.

“All this has been achieved because of outstanding leadership and management,” the report said.

However it did identify that work needs to be done in the early years foundation stage of education and recommended making accurate assessments of pupils that are used to plan work for individual children.

In a letter to pupils, inspectors said: “It was a delight and a privilege to inspect your school. We really enjoyed talking to you all and listened very carefully to what you had to say. No wonder you are all so proud of your school – it’s outstanding!”

The letter also acknowledged pupils’ good manners and teachers’ efforts to improve education for each pupil.

“Managers at your school are doing a very good job. They have made your school one of the very best,” the letter concluded.

Head teacher Maria McGarry said everyone at the school was ‘thrilled’ with the report.

“Everyone, the staff, governors, parents, children and the parish are all really proud of it. The children were thrilled because they had a lot of input into the inspection, talking to them and doing a Power Point presentation.”