VILLAGERS say they were ‘insulted’ to hear that phone giant O2 was proposing a second application for a 15m phone mast.

Residents were united at a pre-planning application consultation meeting for the development which, if approved, would be situated on Longwood Road, Appleton.

People slammed the presentation by Tom Powell, a regional communications manager for O2 after technical questions surrounding the radio emissions from the proposed structure were left unanswered.

Simon Dart, a spokesman for the campaign group, said at the meeting on May 19: “We have an environment that we treasure and we don’t want it scarring by ugly, big structures.

“This 15m tower would be proud of the tree line. If it wasn’t necessary to have a 17m mast then why now 15m?

“The actual fact is that this is so close to the original site – that was deemed unsuitable – that it is insulting.”

In March, planning officers threw out the mobile company’s application for a 17.4m post to be located on land next to Dipping Brook Avenue, Pewterspear Green Road and Longwood Road in the village.

The application was rejected due to the impact it would have on the street scene and neighbouring houses because of its size.

If a new plan was submitted, applicants say they would share the site with Vodafone.

People at the meeting asked why a new location was needed when Vodafone’s application for a pole at Dipping Brook Avenue was approved without mass objection earlier this year.