TWO teenage girls who smuggled £10,250 worth of heroin and cannabis in Risley Prison have been jailed.

Kerrie Smith, aged 18, from Davyhulme and Amy Williamson, aged 17, from Timperley were offered £20 and £100 respectively to smuggle the drugs into the prison on January 19 this year.

They were so desperate for money that they accepted the offer, Warrington Crown Court heard on Thursday.

The pair had been contacted by an unknown man who offered them the money in exchange for the deal.

They eventually agreed, and were picked up in Stretford by two strangers and taken to the prison to make the drop.

There, prison officers saw Williamson put her hand down her top and pass a package to a prisoner, who hid it in his trousers.

All three were searched, and the package found. It contained 20.52g of heroin of 34 per cent purity and 21.32g of cannabis resin.

The heroin’s street value was £2,050, but in prison the value was as much as £10,000. The prison value of the cannabis was around £250.

Both girls were arrested and admitted what they had done, with Smith even going so far as to tell police the pair had done a dummy run the previous week.

However, both girls were adamant they did not know there was heroin in the package and said they thought it was only cannabis.

“It’s a very sad state of affairs, but one that, very maturely, she’s facing up to,” said barrister Virginia Hayton of Kerrie Smith.

Amy Williamson’s barrister, Alexander Leech, said: “She was vulnerable, silly, naive and to those who masterminded this a very useful young woman because not for a moment would she consider the implications of what she was doing.”

Judge Thomas Teague said the amount of drugs smuggled was ‘colossal’ and would ‘go a very, very long way’.

Where Class A drugs are involved a non-custodial sentence is never appropriate, he said, and sentenced both girls to two years and eight months in prison.