A CHAIN was formed around ‘heart of a community’ to mark the end of the primary school review’s six-week consultation period.

Pupils, former students, parents, teachers, residents and Warrington Borough Councillors made a loop around the perimeter of Longbarn Community Primary School on Friday in protest to the council’s proposal to draw the curtains on the establishment in August 2010.

Council chiefs say the recommendation to close the school would unlock £44million of funding earmarked by the department of children, schools and families to be injected back into the borough’s schools over the next 14 years.

Files and boxes containing 1,221 signatures and 1,200 objection letters were presented to council officers Dave Leadbetter, principal officer,school organisation, admissions and transport and Ann McCormack, head of business, planning and resources in children's services, at the 35-year-old Fallowfield Grove site.

Clr Sharon Wilson, executive member (LD - Poulton North), said: “It’s fantastic that people have turned out when it’s pouring down with rain.

“I asked a number of questions that couldn’t be answered. I am a ward councillor as well as on the executive board and I have to support my community. I had to make the hard decision about what I thought was the right thing to do (by rejecting the council’s recommendations for the primary review).”

Clr Wilson said she did not think Longbarn had been given the chance to significantly build on their pupil intake since the 2004 review - when the school was last blighted with the threat of closure.

She said the intakes of the neighbouring schools, Christ Church and Cinnamon Brow, were only cut from 2007, not three years earlier in the wake of the council’s proposals.

Clr Colin Oliver (LD - Poulton North) said: “There’s no guarantee that we will get that £44 million if the Government changes. This school doesn’t need to close there’s mo reason for it.”

Clr Scott Wilson (LD - Poulton North) said: “There will be no community if the school is closed. What have we got if it’s taken away? It shouldn’t have even come to consultation. The school’s approach to it has been very positive, it has never been negative.”

Governors from the school will give a presentation to executive members of WBC explaining why Longbarn should be salvaged.

The decision on whether the proposals will go ahead will be made in July.