A BENEFIT fraudster who claimed as a single man when he actually lived with a woman will have to do 120 hours of unpaid work despite being on incapacity benefits.

Magistrates told John Gallop, a 50-year-old of Mallard Lane in Oakwood, that the court took the view that those on long term incapacity benefit should be encouraged to get back into work, and unpaid community work was a good way to start.

They heard on Wednesday that Gallop had wrongly claimed housing benefit and council tax benefit by claiming he lived alone when he actually lived with Samantha Davey.

He pleaded guilty to four counts of the offences, dating from April 3, 2006 to January 2, 2008. The dates related to forms he filled out.

The total amount he took was £8,296.09, of which he has paid back £396.93 voluntarily.

Gallop, who suffers from depression and anxiety, is of previous good character, the court heard.

His solicitor tried to argue that he was unsuitable for unpaid work, but the magistrates disagreed.

As well as the 120 hours work Gallop must pay £100 costs ‘to pay back to the community for what was a very serious offence’, chair of the bench Mrs Young said.