A BOOK sale will take place to feed and educate children living in slums around Nakuru, Kenya.

Sarah Haines, of Whitefield Road, Stockton Heath, is hosting the fundraising event after working for The Walk Centre in 2006.

The centre is a not-for-profit organisation working to help the children and families of the Hilton slum area in Nakuru.

The school which the money will go to is run by a couple who also live in the slum.

Sarah, aged 26, said money raised would go towards the cost of providing lunch for the children and porridge in the afternoon.

The sum will also provide pencils, books and other classroom equipment and will go towards the cost of sponsoring older children to go to the school nearby.

She said: “The school itself is right next to the town rubbish dump where the children scavenge for food and anything they can recycle and sell.”

People can book their own table or donate books for the event on Saturday at St Thomas’ Church Hall, Ellesmere Road, from 12pm until 3pm.

* Call Sarah on 262622 for more information.

Pictured: Sarah with one of the children from the centre and some of the pictures frm her work there.