LATCHFORD RESIDENTS are being called to arms to help look after the parks of Latchford.

A newly formed group – the Friends of Latchford Parks – are looking for people living in the area to join their campaign to be proud of Latchford’s green spaces.

The group was launched in response to Warrington Borough Council’s decision to withdraw the ranger service at Black Bear Park, angering park users who have cherished the services provided for all the family at the park.

Clr Steve Wright said: “It is about getting together to care for the parks of Latchford. We are fortunate enough to have all around us an environment of park land which is there for us to enjoy in many different ways.

“Becoming a friend means joining other volunteers in helping to keep our parks safe and friendly places to enjoy.”

The park group is hoping to take over the former rangers’ cabin on Black Bear Park and the hut, which is currently empty, will also be used by neighbourhood police officers to offer a police presence on the park every week.

The other green spaces that will fall into the umbrella group include Victoria Park, Causeway Park, Loushers Lane Park and Westy Park.

Volunteers can help out with the maintenance of the areas and help to keep the parks in bloom and in use.

Anyone interested in joining the group can call Clr Steve Wright for more information on 658171.