ANOTHER landmark in the construction of a new high school in Culcheth has been reached.

A number of guests headed to Culcheth High School on Friday for a topping out ceremony to mark the latest phase in the building work.

Culcheth has been handed £23million from the Government’s Building Schools for the Future programme to provide a new school on the site.

The building is currently under way and MP for Warrington North Helen Jones was on hand to smooth over the last area of concrete on the flat roof.

Head teacher at the school Martyn Froggatt also joined her for the ceremony.

The pupils are currently still in the old building before the new one is completed and opened in time for the 2010 school year.

The new building will contain more than 70 new classrooms and will be split into four blocks.

A competition is currently taking place in school to name the blocks as well as the classrooms.

The work will eventually involve the demolition of the current site and that area will be taken up by sports pitches and fields.

The new school also promises a nod to the past with plenty of references to the history of the school and the whole area.