A KILLER’S sister has defended her right to support her brother after a comment she made sparked outrage among Warrington Guardian readers.

Paul Holcroft, of Grace Avenue, Orford, was jailed for at least 18 years last year after he was found guilty of stabbing 20-year-old love rival Christopher Lamberth to death with a 26cm Rambo knife.

Earlier this month judges at London’s Court of Appeal agreed to reduce his sentence by two years. His sister Kirsty Holcroft, who appeared in the newspaper last year after breaking a 17-year-old girl’s jaw outside a Bridge Street nightclub, posted the following message on warringtonguardian.co.uk under the name kirstylee: “well done pigs (bro) u did us all proud 2day love ya lots xxx”.

Disgusted readers responded in their droves, but following a front-page story last week Kirsty, of Alder Lane, Orford, said she did not mean her original comments to sound ‘nasty’.

She wrote on the website: “i did not mean the comments i put in a nasty way and as for sayin things about my mother it has got nothing to do wiv her how we are now we r grow up my mother did not no that i put them comments on here and yes if paul was ur relative im sure u wud be the same yes i was happy he got 2yrs reduced off his sentance the same as u wud be i am not proud ov wot he has done but he is still my brother & we do have feelings for the lamberth family”

Some readers further condemned the Holcroft family but other friends and family supported the 23-year-old’s argument, saying that Paul Holcroft’s three daughters, his girlfriend and his mother did not condone his actions but have had to live with their consequences.

mhill82 said: “I would like to stress that no one is proud of Mr Holcroft and the fact that he has committed murder. We can not emphasise with either family’s nor would we ever want to so I don’t think anyone has the right to assume that Mr. Lamberth’s family is never thought of by any of Mr. Holcrofts family.

“Secondly, Mr. Holcrofts mother is a loving, caring mother who HAS taught her children the difference between right and wrong and what is expected morally in society. Do you honnestly think for one minute that she has applauded her sons actions?

“I can tell you now that this is not the the case. Yes, she has supported him, yes, she has stood by him but she is his mum and no matter what everone's opionions are her love for her children is unconditional like any parents.

“She to has to live with aftermath of the event everyday of her life, and has never or would say she is proud of her son for that because she is’nt”