THE transformation of Bridge Street into a vibrant area filled with shops, offices and bars and restaurants took one step closer to realisation.

Councillors approved a supplementary plan for development on the area at the Warrington Borough Council’s executive board.

Plans were first unveiled last year for a major revamp of the area surrounding Bridge Street, leading down to the waterfront area of the Mersey Among the changes suggested include a new market area with associated shops and offices.

The team behind the plan said that despite councillors comments that the project would take some 20 to 30 years to reach final fruition they may see some improvement much sooner.

Andy Farrell, strategic director of environment and regeneration, said: “Hopefully something will start happening in the next three years, we may see something opened in five years time.”

The supplementary scheme has now been adopted into the borough-wide development plan that will offer planners clear guidelines as to what they can approve on the land.