A POLICE boss is urging residents to be aware of the signs of illegal cannabis production following a surge in the discovery of cannabis factories.

With the unearthing of four cannabis factories in the last week – three in Orford and one in Latchford – Inspector Andy Ross, from Warrington Central NPU, is asking the community to be on their guard.

He said: “There seems to be a lot at the moment and that is partially due to the credit crunch as with money being tight people are turning to growing cannabis instead of buying it.

“It is just luck that there has not been a related fire yet as the lighting produces a very hot environment and that combined with often poorly prepared and rigged electrics, with meters illegally altered to enable free electricity, pose a very real danger of fire and people losing their lives.

“The two factories found in Poplars Avenue and the other on Grasmere Avenue were in flats and the worst case scenario would be a block of flats housing around 600 people that goes up in flames.

”There are many ways to spot a potential cannabis factory and we want people to familiarise themselves with the warning signs.”

These include: l A strong and unusual herbal smell.

l Banging noises as the factory is set up and see people coming and going with bags of fertiliser and compost and other equipment such as powerful lights.

l Curtains will often be kept closed at all times but bright lights may appear to be left on around the clock.

l Lots of condensation may appear on windows and walls and if it is in a flat ceilings may be very warm to the touch.

l Large ventilating fans may be placed in windows and doors.

Insp Ross added: “I am also particularly appealing to landlords to be aware of what to look for. If the tenant always pays in cash and does not allow you access to the property then let us check it out.”

Anyone with information can email warrington.central.cat@cheshire.pnn.police.uk or leave a message, which can be anonymous, on 0845 4586379.