HELEN Jones, Warrington North MP, said she has faith that people in the town will not vote for the British National Party (BNP) in the European elections.

The Labour MP said: “They are a threat but I have more faith in the people of Warrington.

“This town never succumbed to the politics of hate even when it was bombed.”

Nick Griffin, leader of the controversial extreme right wing party, is hoping that his group will receive enough votes to secure a seat through proportional representation in June.

His party opposes mass immigration and wants see the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union.

Ed Balls, education minister, echoed Mrs Jones’ fears when he visited the town this week.

He said he was worried people might not vote for the three main political parties because of the expenses row and opt for the smaller extremist groups.

Helen Southworth, MP for Warrington South, urged people to think very carefully before they vote.

She said: “The decisions they make now will affect how things are run for the next five years.”

And one concerned voter has noticed that the party did not follow the suggested guidelines of the Electoral Commission when posting flyers.

He said a leaflet posted to residents in Warrington gave a PO Box address as the contact point, rather than following the good practice recommendations of giving an address where people could get in touch with a query, or to complain.

A spokesman for the Electoral Commission said no complaints had been received about the literature. He said a PO Box address is acceptable but guidance suggests a full address is given for the ease of constituents.