A YOUTH branded ‘feral’, ‘wild’ and ‘untamed’ by a judge after executing a campaign of terror that led to the death of a vulnerable man could be back on the streets two years after he was caged.

In March 2007, Ryan Palin, now aged 17, was jointly sentenced with Craig Dodd, now aged 19, for the manslaughter of 40-year-old David Atherton.

The young killers were captured after police spotted them at Kingsway Bridge, from where they threw Mr Atherton’s body into the river, boasting to friends they had killed him.

At the original sentencing at Chester Crown Court where they were jailed for life, Palin, of Grasmere Avenue, was ordered to serve a minimum of six years and Dodd, of Liskeard Close, Brookvale, Runcorn, was told he would serve seven years.

The court heard the remorseless pair had embarked on a long campaign of terror against Mr Atherton, who was an alcoholic with learning difficulties, nicknaming it ‘terroring’ where they regularly visited his flat on St Katherine’s Way, Howley.

They would urinate on him, pour bleach over his head, burn his hair, daub paint on his face, graffiti his walls and would often savagely beat their victim.

He was seen by neighbours on May 8, 2006, covered in blood and being dragged from his house by his killers – that was the last time he was seen alive.

His body was found floating a week later in the same place where he had been dumped.

But their life sentences were overturned seven months later at an appeal and replaced with indeterminate sentences for public protection.

Dodd was told he would have to serve a minimum of three-and-a-half years before he could be considered for parole while Palin was given three years.

Speaking at the appeal, Lord Justice Rix said: “These are two very dangerous young men whose future progress will have to be very carefully considered.”

But a source, who cannot be named, has confirmed Palin is currently being assessed for suitability for release.

Jackie Theaker, whose son Michael was murdered four months earlier by Palin and Dodd’s associates Colin and David Algie along with 16-year-old Billy Jones, has spoken of her outrage at the news.

Jackie from Orford, said: “It is disgusting. They have done the crime so they should stay in prison.

“It is terrible that they can consider putting him back on the streets – especially so soon after the crime.

“I feel sure he is capable of doing it again and that he hasn’t learnt anything in the short time he has been inside.

“It is just sickening and I think people will be very nervous. He will be back in the community laughing at the system. If they let him out they will have blood on their hands.”