A DETECTIVE is warning residents to be more vigilent with the security of their cars after a thief admitted finding almost half of vehicles he targetted unlocked.

The 17-year-old car thief, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested after a spate of late night break-ins around Kingsway South, Reynolds Street and Menin Avenue last Thursday.

The youth said out of the 40 cars he tried to break into 18 were insecure.

DS Adrian Priest, from Warrington CID, said: “I am surprised that Warrington residents are still leaving valuable items in view in their cars and they not securing their vehicles, making it easy for criminals to commit crimes.

“That nearly 50 per cent of cars tested by criminals are insecure is a stark warning for people that there are criminals about in the night and they are checking your vehicles so make sure you lock up your car and lock up your house.”