A WOMAN who continued claiming benefits despite inheriting more than £43,000 has left court with a conditional discharge.

Suzanne Syers, of Chester Road, continued claiming housing and council tax benefit after inheriting the money from her father.

At Warrington Crown Court today, Tuesday, she pleaded guilty to dishonestly failing to notify the authorities of her change in circumstances and giving false representations when interviewed.

The second charge related to an interview with Warrington Borough Council on September 19, 2006, following a tip-off that she was claiming benefits she wasn’t entitled to.

She denied falsely claiming the money, and said that she had given most of the £43,000 to her mother to help her pay off debts.

But the prosecution said that only minor payments had been made.

Syers, aged 39, was given her inheritance in four instalments from May to December 2006, the first of which was small enough to not have to declare.

She claimed less than £5,000 dishonestly.

Judge Thomas Teague gave her a conditional discharge as she was unable to pay fines or complete unpaid work because of illness.

She will pay £260 costs at £5 a week.