A DAREDEVIL fundraiser is preparing to take a 10,000ft plunge out of an aeroplane to raise money for St Rocco’s.

Next Saturday Woolston resident Paul Bedworth will make the trip to Lancaster where he will do a tandem jump for the hospice.

“I think it’s a worthwhile thing that Warrington’s got, which everyone has probably had some experience with at some point,” said Paul, aged 39, of Lawson Close.

The hospice costs around £3,000 a day to provide care to terminally ill patients and their families.

After his grandparents were cared for there Paul decided to try and help out, and his upcoming 40th birthday provided the perfect excuse for the skydive.

“I wanted to do something to mark the occasion and thought I might as well do it for a worthy cause.”

You can sponsor Paul at justgiving.com/paulbedworth.