‘SNEAKY’ burglars are taking their chances in Warrington homes, using unlocked doors and windows to gain entry.

Warmer weather and lighter nights tend to bring with them an increase in ‘sneak-in’ burglaries, so police are warning people to be on their guard.

Detective Inspector Matt Durcan, of the Northern Area Proactive Policing Team, which is responsible for investigating burglaries, said: “Naturally as the weather gets warmer people are in and out of the house more often and there is the temptation to leave windows and doors unlocked and open.

“But they need to be aware that this is also an open invitation to an opportunist thief.

“It only takes a matter of seconds for a thief to get into your house and grab something that is valuable to you – such as a handbag, keys or cash.

“They are adept at getting in and out of houses quickly so if you do leave your house – even only for a very short time – the advice would be to make sure that all windows are closed and locked or, at the very least, use the security measures on modern windows, which allow them to let some air in but still be locked.”

He advised residents to make sure all their doors were locked during the day and night.

“Residents should ensure they get into a routine of checking that all front and rear doors are locked and that windows are closed before they get into bed.

“It only takes a few minutes to check round at the end of the day but it will give you peace of mind and reduce your chance of becoming a victim of an opportunist thief.”

If you see anyone acting suspiciously around your house or a neighbours house you should report it to the police, he said.

“We have had some significant arrests and convictions for this type of crime over the past few months, but the public can also play their part in the fight against crime.”

Call the police on 0845 458 0000 to report anything suspicious or to speak to a crime reduction advisor.

You can also call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.