AN alcoholic who broke into two houses in Stockton Heath in an attempt to feed his habit will not go to jail.

Paul Bailey, aged 37, of Broadbent Avenue, appeared at Warrington Crown Court on Friday after admitting trying to burgle two homes on March 10, while the owners were sleeping.

The court heard Bailey was arrested shortly after trying to steal from a house on Greenbank Road following a bungled attempt at a house on Greenbank Gardens where he disturbed a mum and her children.

Anna Pope, prosecuting, said: “She was shaken and sick to the stomach knowing someone had been in the house.

“He said his intention was to steal cash but didn’t because the owners had been disturbed. He apologised for the inconvenience and said he did it because he has a drinking problem.”

Bailey has numerous previous convictions for dishonesty and burglary but had been crime-free since 1998 apart from a conviction for cultivating cannabis in 2007.

Nova Howarth, defending, said: “He realised the occupants were at home and did not want to have a confrontation. He is genuinely remorseful.”

Judge Thomas Teague QC handed him a 51-week suspended jail sentence, an 18-month supervision requirement, a six-month alcohol treatment requirement and ordered him to attend an alcohol-related offending programme and pay £140 compensation to his victims.