AN Orford man caught wielding an axe in the street has been jailed.

Christopher Shingler, aged 23, of Quebec Road, appeared at Warrington Crown Court on Friday after admitting having a bladed weapon in public in the early hours of November 1 last year.

The court heard police were called to a house in Orford earlier that night after a confrontation in the street involving a gang of youths.

David Jones, prosecuting, siad Shingler was present but not directly involved although his dog seemed to be protecting him.

PC Sheehan was in the house when he saw four men approaching in a violent manner, shouting and gesturing with their hands for the family to fight.

Mr Jones added: “The defendant had an axe in his hands and was brandishing it in a threatening manner towards the occupants of the house.”

Shingler, who is unemployed, has a previous conviction from four years ago for having a weapon in public when he was caught with a wooden pole in his car.

Peter Horgan, defending, said Shingler got involved after becoming angry with the way his dog was treated.

He added: “There is no real justification for his actions. He said he deeply regrets it and recognises he has flawed consequential thinking skills.”

Judge Thomas Teague QC jailed Shingler for four months, saying: “There is public concern in the increasing prevalence of bladed articles on the streets. It is the second time in four years you have gone out with weapons. You possessed an axe in the dark in a public place and that is a very grave matter.”