A PADGATE table tennis coach will be banned from any involvement with the sport in England after police discovered depraved pornographic images of children on his mobile phone.

Robert Deakin, aged 40, of Dundee Close, Fearnhead appeared shamefaced at Warrington Crown Court on Friday after admitting downloading indecent images of youngsters between September 30, 2006 and November 3, 2008.

Paedophile Deakin, secretary of Padgate Table Tennis Club, which was founded by his dad Norman in 1977 and has members as young as eight, had 93 images of children including 17 at level four – the second worst category.

David Jones, prosecuting, said it was impossible for police to pinpoint when the images were downloaded but between July 19, 2008, and July 25, 2008 Deakin downloaded 21 images of partially dressed girls appearing to be under the age of 16.

He said: “His phone was seized and examined and the 93 images found. He said he had been initally using his phone to search for adult pornography but it linked to teen sites and those then led to sites of what he accepts were children.”

Deakin, who sat for most of the time with his head bowed and hands clasped, admitted having sexual gratification from the images but denied any interest in children.

Nova Howarth, defending, said: “The defendant’s thinking skills need to be addressed.”

Judge Thomas Teaque QC replied: “What level of thinking skills are needed to know that this is disgusting, furtive filth?”

Ms Howarth answered: “This defendant has not realised that children are being coerced into these positions. He is absolutely ashamed of what he has done and his family are ashamed.

“Mr Deakin has in some ways already paid for what he has done as he has been completely alienated from several family members and friends.

“He has spent much of his leisure time as a coach in a community centre and he has been excluded.”

Deakin was also deputy chairman of Warrington District Table Tennis Association but has been stripped of all links with the committee.

Judge Teague QC added: “Downloading funds the entire process including the abuse of children. They are someone’s daughters. These were disgusting offences involving some quite revolting and distressing images. These were real photos.”

Deakin was handed a 24-week suspended jail sentence and a two-year supervision requirement and ordered to attend the Northumbria sex offenders’ programme, sign on to the sex offenders’ register for seven years and disqualified for life from working with children.