EXTENSIVE plans to reclaim derelict sections of New Cut Canal have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council.

The council has submitted the application, which, if successful, would see 373m of contaminated canal cleaned, re-watered and turned into one of Woolston’s best attractions.

The aim is to develop a new green space for the benefit of residents and visitors, the application’s design statement says.

Contaminated areas, which have sediment with a range of metals including lead and copper as well as arsenic, would be properly cleaned and the contaminated material would be put between the canal walls and new gabions.

Options to remove it to a tip or to treat it onsite were discounted due to cost and complexity.

A series of pools would be created and the canal would be linked to Paddington Meadows as part of Warrington’s Green Network.

The plans will take into account the area’s reputation as a major wildlife corridor to the greenbelt.

Rixton and Woolston’s Labour councillors Bill Brinksman, Paul Bretherton and Tony McCarthy have been lobbying for improvements to the canal.

“We’ve strived to get funding in these difficult times for this historic waterway to be restored and not consigned to history,” said Clr Bretherton.

“The cutting back of vegetation and the new tarmac surface will hopefully encourage more people to use this now. It’s a big improvement for sure.”

A decision is due on July 27.

You can see the plans, and comment, at warrington.gov.uk using the reference 2009/14507.