BIRCHWOOD Youth Club has been handed a special award and a £1,000 prize in recognition of the work done in the area.

Frontis, the housing group which supports the club, was given the honour at a residents’ event.

The youth club is at the heart of the community and provides younsters with activities to take part in which include The Duke of Edinburgh Award, youth achievement awards, advice on healthy living and cooking and cultural events.

Bernadette Bell, neighbourhood regeneration officer at Frontis, said: “This is a great result for the youth club and the prize will really help the continued provision of valuable activities and events.

“Over the years it has become a real hub for the younger community who regard it as a place where they can learn and come to achieve something positive for their future.”

The youth club also organises vocational activities such as a mechanics course and plays host to many extra-curriculum activities organised by schools.

Harvest Housing Group awarded the Montgomery Neighbourhood award to Frontis at a residents event in recognition of the hard work and dedication demonstrated by all involved in the youth club and to help towards its continued success.

The Montgomery Neighbourhood Awards were launched in 2005 to recognise those groups or individuals who have made a real difference to the lives of others within their communities and neighbourhoods.