WAINHOMES has been served with an order to replace the trees it felled last year and maintain them for 10 years, it was revealed at the latest Great Sankey Parish Council meeting.

Clrs Trudi Wood and Roy Smith learned of the illegal axing during their fight with the developers to get them to release part of a public footpath along Whittle Brook, fenced off from Mayfair Close to Lingley Green Avenue.

Clr Wood said: “When they fenced the land off they felled the trees. I asked for this to be pursued with the help of Mersey Forest who involved the Forestry Commission and it was an illegal felling.

“There was no reason why this land, which has been accessible to the public for more than 40 years. which should have been fenced off in the first place.

“In my mind felling the trees added insult to injury and amounts to environmental vandalism. We will still pursue the right of way claim and I would ask anyone who used this land from 1969 onwards to contact me.”

E-mail Clr Wood on twood@warring ton.gov.uk or call her on 790712.