THE family of a Runcorn man who died after contracting a hospital superbug have launched a petition on the Government’s website.

Thomas Highton, of Leaside, Halton Brook, died at Warrington Hospital last May 17, at the age of 80.

Mr Highton contracted C-diff and pneumonia before dying in an emaciated condition.

He had been admitted 25 days earlier with a collapsed lung.

His family, who have also launched a campaign for justice after attending his inquest detailing a catalogue of failures in his care and heard a consultant apologise on behalf of the hospital for the deficiencies, have begun a new appeal.

Mike Highton, one of the Runcorn pensioner’s sons, created the petition to urge the Prime Minister to investigate the quality of care and treatment at Warrington and Halton Hospitals Foundation Trust.

The 47-year-old teacher wrote: “The number of patients that have needlessly died or are not receiving the appropriate standards of care or treatment can be drastically reduced by improving these areas.

“The legacy of the relatives that have sadly passed will be that other future patients do not need to die needlessly and that good practice is developed from the lessons learnt.”

There are currently 50 signatories on the petition including those of the Viddamore family who have also lodged complaints with Warrington Hospital after their elderly mum died of C-diff six months prior to Thomas Highton.

Mike Highton believes the cases at Warrington Hospital could lead to a similar health crisis as experienced at Stafford Hospital.

To sign up to his appeal visit or contact him by emailing