AN Army wife’s campaign to bring a touch of home to soldiers in Afghanistan has had an outstanding response from Warrington residents.

Two weeks ago the Warrington Guardian featured the story of Karen Brittle, who was urging people to send parcels to soldiers in Afghanistan who have no family.

Karen’s husband Rob is currently serving in Afghanistan, and told her of the soldiers there with no support from family.

She decided to try and get people here to send them parcels to let them know what they were doing for their country was not going unnoticed.

“If people send toiletries, sweets, crisps, biscuits, books, magazines, papers, anything that won’t perish or melt, it will make a huge difference,” said Karen, aged 39, from Orford.

Parcels weighing less than 2kg are free to send to the forces.

Send yours to: For A Solider, c/o The Padre, Camp Bastion, BFPO792.