A MAN convicted of murdering a love rival has won a two year cut in his jail term.

Paul Holcroft, of Grace Avenue, was found guilty of murder at Chester Crown Court in October last year, and jailed for life.

He was ordered to spend at least 18 years in jail but two years was knocked off that figure when he appeared at London’s Court of Appeal today, Friday.

The judges ruled that the sentencing judge had placed too much emphasis on the fact the 25-year-old had armed himself before confronting his victim, Christopher Lamberth.

“Grave though the aggravation was, it was over a very limited period of time and it is that matter which has troubled us most of all,” said Mr Justice Hedley, sitting with Lord Justice Aikens and Mr Justice Hickinbottom.

“We have thought long and seriously about this, and we have concluded that, while the judge was entitled to take the aggravation into account, the weight he gave to it was greater than was justified.”

The court heard that Holcroft and Mr Lamberth had both been involved in a relationship with the same woman, although not at the same time. On November 17, 2007, she rowed with Mr Lamberth and told Holcroft what had happened.

He responded by arming himself with a large hunting knife and a pick axe handle, and driving to Manchester Road where Mr Lamberth was celebrating his 21st birthday.

During an altercation, Holcroft plunged the knife into his victim's torso, piercing his heart and lungs, the court heard.

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