SWINE flu information booklets are being distributed across Warrington as the Government and the NHS work to stop a pandemic taking hold.

At the time of going to print, there were no cases of swine flu, or H1N1, in Warrington, either suspected or confirmed.

But bosses at Warrington Hospital report an increase in the number of people coming in with concerns about the illness, despite advice telling people to stay at home if they feel unwell.

The leaflets being sent to homes across the country urge people to ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ and to arrange a network of people who can help you if you do catch the flu.

Bosses at NHS Warrington have an itinerary of where there are stores of Tamiflu and Relenza in the locality so should there be any cases drugs can be secured quickly.

A spokesman said: “NHS Warrington has a robust plan for dealing with a pandemic, should a pandemic be declared, which is being kept under regular review.

“We would like to reassure people that that all local health providers in Warrington are prepared to deal with a pandemic should one occur. At this point we are taking all necessary steps for this level of alert.”

Cases have been confirmed in Tameside and Merseyside .