CREAMFIELDS could be a permanent date on the calendar if a submitted premises licence is approved for the two day event.

The application for the Daresbury Estate-based festival, which takes place during the August Bank Holiday, includes playing live music, film and dancing from 2pm until 4am and selling alcohol from 2pm until 4.30am on the Saturday.

It operates from 10am until 11pm on the Sunday, with alcohol being sold from 10am until 11.30pm.

For the past three years the applicant has had to submit a licence request to Halton Borough Council before each show.

Sharon Harris, member of the Neighbourhood Action Group, said: “It is the unpredictability of where the event will go in future years and whether a permanent licence will greatly reduce accountability.

“People don’t like complaining, it’s not people’s nature. There are people who are disgruntled about it but think it will go ahead anyway.”

She said it would be damaging if the licence was granted as it would prevent organisations from the area holding events during the weekend in the future.

She encouraged people to speak out about their concerns and to attend the hearing for the plan when it has been scheduled.

Paul Baker, another member of the non-political Neighbourhood Action Group, which was set up last year, said: “Residents need to realise that collectively they can have an impact, if enough people respond. It is one of our group’s aims to ensure that all concerns are given adequate consideration and to show that collectively they should not be ignored.”

The group’s stance is that it is not complaining to be awkward but because the dance weekend is in the wrong place, far too close to the surrounding villages.

A spokesman for Halton Borough Council said the council would not be objecting or supporting the organiser’s request for a permanent licence.

People must voice their opinions by May 20 by writing to Halton Borough Council, Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes, WA8 7QF.

The final decision will be made at a licensing committee hearing in Halton later this month or in June.

People can contact NAG on 261773 or e-mail