ST Ann’s CE Primary School will be in the spotlight this half term as it takes centre stage on an interactive website for schools across the country.

The website, links the school with Chembakolli, a remote village in southern India, as part of an ActionAid project.

For years it has enabled schools to interact directly with families there, sharing blogs and posting questions to each other.

Every half term one school from the UK is chosen as the spotlight school.

And until the end of this month, this will be St Ann’s.

Bryan Hancock, who teaches the year five pupils using the website, said: “In our year five group we had Chembakolli as one of our main topics last term.

“We built village-style huts for the classroom and the children created a wall display of Mehndi hand paintings.

“The pupils in year five are really looking forward to being able to compose questions for the children in Chembakolli and being involved with the local community there.”