BURTONWOOD and Westbrook Parish Council is urging residents to make better use of its services – whether they are looking for funding or setting up a new community group.

The council is trying to encourage more interaction with the public and discussed ways to attract more people to its meetings during its April meeting.

Councillors said they would like homeowners to attend meetings, held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at Kingswood Community Centre at Butts Green, not just when they are concerned about a particular issue such as Titan Prison, but to see how the council can help them improve their area and contribute to decision-making.

Clr Judith Guthrie, parish council chairman, said: “I don’t think people realise just what parish councils can offer them.

“We’re about helping people make changes in how their area develops.”

Last year councillors commissioned an independent assessment of leisure, sport, recreation and play provision in the parish.

Clr Guthrie said the feasibility study offers the kind of detailed, objective evidence that is required to help organisations from sports clubs to fellowship groups secure funding, grants and sponsorship.

She said: “The key aims were to establish where there are gaps in particular kinds of provision and to look at the quality of existing facilities to help identify where improvements may be needed.

“The report also contains some details of potential external funding sources for sport, leisure and recreation projects.”

Clr Tina Rogers-Smith said that while there are a number of groups who use the council’s community centre there are still vacancies.

And fellow councillors Tina Cross and John Joyce say the parish council would be willing to help new community groups to make the most of its facilities.

Clr John Joyce said: “We want to support community groups and we could help them set up here by offering them a small grant.”

For a free copy of the feasibility study’s findings or to find out how the parish council can help you start a new community group contact: Julie Pickles, clerk to the council Burtonwood and Westbrook Parish Council, Freepost NWW 1487A, Warrington, WA4 2RJ, Telephone/fax 231280 or e-mail clerk@burtonwoodpc.fsnet.co.uk.