POLICE are warning residents to be on their guard against bogus Water Board officials who have been entering homes on the pretence of a nearby burst water main.

Unsuspecting victims have been admitting the callers who claim either their boiler requires checking or the water supply needs turning off and have been stealing cash or valuables from their home.

A Trading Standards spokesman said: “Distraction burglars will use all kinds of lies to try and gain access they can be men or women, old and young, even children.

“Use your door chain and ask to see photographic identification. You can check the callers validity by using directory enquires to call the company head office – never use the number provided by an unsolicited caller to check authenticity.

“No genuine caller will mind waiting while you do this. If you have any doubts whatsoever do not allow access and call the police immediately.”

Anyone with information should call police on 0845 4580000.