OPPOSITION to a new takeaway is growing. Councillor Colin Oliver (LD – Poulton North) has added his voice to the calls for the plans to be blocked.

“This is a quiet residential area and this development is far too close to properties and will generate noise, litter and smell,” his letter of objection read.

The plans are for a new hot food takeaway on Orchard Street, Fearnhead.

Last year similar plans were dismissed, to residents’ glee.

Now they face another battle to stop this takeaway from being granted permission to go ahead.

Station Road resident Jeff Perkin has written to John Groves, Warrington Borough Council’s head of planning, to make his opinions heard.

“For a number of years, the residents in the immediate vicinity of the area in Orchard Street and Station Road North have been subjected to a regular number of applications for different food outlets in the shopping area concerned,” his letter said.

“All of these applications have been met with the same objections over the years concerning litter, smells associated with food outlets, parking problems of people using such facilities, increased noise in the evening and weekends and unruly behaviour of young people in the immediate area.

“Every planning application has been met with the same amount of objection by the residents, who have met regularly at the Town Hall to show their feelings and concerns.”

Planning applicants Glaze Developments say that, as opening hours have now been reduced to 9pm each evening, the plans meet criteria to allow permission.

The takeaway, currently an empty shop, would employ four people.

You can see the plans and comment on them at New Town House, Buttermarket Street, or at warrington.gov.uk with the reference 2009/14372.