A BATTLING rhino is the last thing you need chasing you when you’re running the London Marathon in a 14ft nurses outfit.

But Rob Schooling used it as extra motivation to help him cross the finish line in five hours, despite running with two stone of additional weight.

The 41-year-old from Appleton said: “I felt fine up to 20 miles but then it was a little sticky for a mile or so. The rhino had been following me the whole way round and the young lady in the suit was obviously thinking she wasn’t going to be beaten by a big pink nurse. She gave me a pat on the back as she came past and I thought there’s no way I’m going to be beaten by a rhino so that got me going again.”

TV viewers could not fail to miss Rob as he pounded the streets of London with the huge figure of Nessa the nurse, the charity figure of WellChild.

The sunny day made life more difficult turning the event in an extra hard endurance test for Rob but after crossing the finishing line he was mobbed by fellow runners, family and supporters who wanted to say congratulations and have their picture taken with him.

He added: “The whole way round people were shouting ‘Rob, Rob’ – it was amazing. It was particularly great during the last four miles, coming up the Embankment and past Big Ben, because the supporters along there were really loud.”

“After I’d finished it was really strange with everyone coming up to congratulate me and have their picture taken.”

Despite being stiff and suffering sore shoulders Rob is pleased with his time and has signed up for next year’s run already - though he will not be running as Nessa again.

And he has already smashed his fundraising target of £2,500 for the charity that helps sick children and their families.

It’s not too late to make a donation to Rob by visiting justgiving.com/robertschooling.