AN amateur rugby league player who headbutted an opposing player during a match has admitted a wounding charge.

David Yii, who was playing for Warrington Wizards, had complained to the ref that he had been tripped, but the official was unable to help as he had not seen it.

Yii then went on to headbutt John McMullen, a player with East Lancs Lions, during the game at Darwen Football Club.

Twenty-one-year-old Yii of Lyster Close, Birchwood, pleaded guilty at Preston Crown Court to a charge of unlawful wounding. His plea was entered on the day he was due to face trial.

The offence dated back to July 16 last year. He has already been fined £40 by a disciplinary board and given a match ban.

The court heard that he pleaded guilty on the basis that there was a single instance of headbutting in the heat of the game.

Yii went on to argue with Mr McMullen. According to the ref, both men had hold of each other and they were being aggressive.

The referee apparently saw a headbutt on Mr McMullen who then punched the defendant. Yii punched him back.

The injured man had an eight centimetre wound to the head.

Judge Christopher Cornwall accepted that what took place was in the heat of the moment.

Yii was a man of previous good character.

He added that he felt the public interest would not require the defendant to be sent into immediate prison.

Yii's case was adjourned for a pre sentence report to be drawn up by the probation service.

He was remanded on bail to June 4 for sentencing.