MORE nurses and health visitors will be employed in Warrington in an effort to improve children’s health.

NHS Warrington’s Community Services Unit has won funding to provide the pilot programme which will work with a small group of families to promote children’s health and development.

The £41,096 grant will pay for the scheme, part of NHS Warrington’s work to reduce health inequalities by focusing on early intervention and prevention.

That in turn forms part of Healthy lives, Brighter Futures, the new national strategy for children and young people’s health which was launched this year.

Carole Hugall, chief operating officer at NHS Warrington’s Community Services Unit, said: “We’re thrilled to win this award, which will allow us to better reach out to people in our local area.

“This money will mean families get the support they need as early as possible and ensure we help more children grow up to lead healthier lives.

“I would like to thank our staff and partners who contributed to the proposal and made this achievement possible; we’re very proud of all their hard work in winning the award.”

The unit won the Transforming Community Services Innovation Award, which is funded nationally and shared between Strategic Health Authorities.