THE science department at William Beamont High School has been identified as one of the most improved in the north west.

Triple GCSE Award Science (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) was introduced in September last year for the most talented pupils.

The course gives year 10 and 11 pupils the opportunity to achieve three science GCSEs and further their study at A level and university.

Katrina McClelland taught the 25 teenagers. More than 70 per cent of the class achieved an A* or A grade, putting the Long Lane school among the top achieving establishments in the borough and region.

Chris Hillidge, head of science, puts the success down to the hard work of the pupils and inspirational teaching from Miss McClelland.

He said: “The pupils have access to a wide range of extra-curricular science clubs and trips that make the subject exciting and relevant, this engages the pupils and helps to raise their achievement.

“Science helps us to understand how our world works and can lead to a wide variety of fulfilling and exciting careers. These pupils have taken a big step towards a successful future in science.”