WHEN a popular lecturer at Warrington Collegiate had a major stroke and heart attack at age 49, his student Michael Dodsworth decided to do all he could to help.

This June he and his fellow student chefs and their other lecturers will put on a fundraising evening to help buy Gary Butcher specialist equipment to help his rehabilitation.

Gary has diabetes which led to a very bad foot ulcer towards the end of November last year.

He was admitted to Whiston Hospital to have two toes removed, but had a huge setback when he suffered a major stroke and heart attack on December 10.

Coupled with this, his lungs collapsed and Gary ended up in intensive care, followed by another heart attack three weeks later.

Eventually, in January, his amputation went ahead but Gary is still in hospital.

The stroke has left him largely paralysed down his right side and highly dependant on care.

In the near future, he will be having plastic surgery on his spine as an extremely deep pressure sore means that bone from his spine will need to be removed and replaced with plastic to prevent further infection.

Student Michael, a former Culcheth High School pupil, said Gary has been a huge inspiration to him during his years at catering college and after visiting him in hospital decided he needed to help.

“He’s generous, passionate about cooking, loves his job and he would do anything for anybody,” he said.

“That’s why we’ve all clubbed together to try and help him,” he said.

The fundraiser will be held on June 12 at the collegiate, with tickets costing £15.

Among prizes to be auctioned on the night is a meal cooked in your own home by fellow catering lecturer Dave Chapman.

To make donations of prizes or money, or to buy tickets, call 494208.