MAN’S best friend proved his worth in a Bewsey flat fire at the weekend by waking his sleeping owner to save her from the blaze.

The woman was woken in the early hours of Sunday by her four-legged friend who was licking her face and whining as flames engulfed the flat.

She and her dog battled their way through the fierce fire to escape and call for help.

Firefighters arrived at her Longshaw Street flat to find flames and smoke billowing from the flat windows and a fire throughout the open plan kitchen and living room.

Four firefighters went into the flat wearing breathing apparatus to fight the fire, which had originated in the kitchen.

It had been started by a chip pan, put on by the woman after returning from a night out.

The woman had fallen asleep and left the pan on when it caught fire.

She did not have smoke alarms fitted, so it was down to the dog to save her life.

“If it hadn’t been for her dog, I don’t think she would have got out,” said crew manager Jason Fletcher.

“We advise people not to use old style chip pans and use deep fat fryers because they have a thermostat on them,” he said.

“If you have a chip pan fire, try to turn the hob off, don’t put water on it, shut the door, get outside and call us.”

Warrington fire stations will fit smoke alarms for free. Contact your nearest station to arrange to have one fitted.

The woman and her dog have been rehoused, as the damage to the flat was too severe for them to continue living there.

Neighbours were evacuated and given home safety assessments the next day.