A MAN who forced a child to watch a pornographic film will not go to jail.

Nicholas Tasker, aged 40, of Harbord Street, Howley, appeared at Knutsford Crown Court on Thursday after admitting making a child watch a sexual act.

The court heard the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was 14 when it happened last February and had been friendly with Tasker, often visiting his house to use his computer to chat to his school friends online.

Gareth Roberts, prosecuting, said: “At first there were no problems then the defendant started to become increasingly interested in who he was takling to and asking how old they were.

“One evening, the defendant said he wanted to show him something on the computer and then proceeded to show him a downloaded video on the computer of girls having sex.

“(The boy) recalled it was called ‘Barely Legal’. He was embarrassed and frightened and left after a very short period of time.”

The court heard the boy’s dad became increasingly concerned about him after his teachers revealed he was refusing to have anything to do with computers at school – the police were informed of the episode and Tasker was later arrested.

Mr Roberts added: “He accepted he had played the video to (the boy), that he had been sexually aroused at the time and that he was probably turned on by the fact that (the boy) was watching it as well.”

Caroline Patrick, defending, said Tasker was of previous good character and had not any contact with children since.

Judge David Hale handed Tasker a 36-week suspended prison sentence, ordered him to sign the sex offenders’ register and gave him a sexual offences prevention order to not to be alone with any child younger than 16 other than immediate family for the next five years.

He was also banned from working with children and ordered to pay £300 prosecution costs.

Judge Hale said: “Why you did it you find impossible to explain but the reason is blindingly obvious – you wanted to show him because it gave you a sexual turn-on.

“You clearly upset the lad. You had no business to do it and you must never do anything like that agan otherwise the court will be left with no other option other than to lock you up.”