PLANS to build a Titan prison on Omega look set to be abandoned by the Government later today.

Justice Secretary Jack Straw is expected to make an announcement saying the Government are no longer proceedings with plans to build three huge 2,500-place prisons.

The business park site in Whittle Hall was being looked at as a potential spot for one of the prisons and when it was revealed last year as a candidate it caused public uproar.

Helen Jones MP said that while the story could not be verified yet she hoped it would be true.

She said: “I have always argued that Warrington has already taken its fair share of the prison population and that Omega should be reserved as a site for high-tech, decently paid, jobs.

“I understand that the government will be making an announcement on Monday and I hope that it will be good news for Warrington.“

The borough's residents, councillors and MPs have all voiced their opposition to the proposals.

Clr Jo Crotty, a leading campaigner, said: “I am pleased that Jack Straw and the Labour Government have finally listened to the thousands of local residents here in Warrington and scrapped their plans for a Titan prison on the Omega Business Park."

“This is a victory for all those who added their voice to our campaign and told Jack Straw a Titan prison in Warrington was totally unacceptable.

“However, we still need to be cautious, the Labour Government is still planning a series of five, 1500 inmate prisons to be built throughout the country and they could target Warrington once more.

"I would hope that Jack Straw and the Labour Government have learnt from their mistakes and in future they will pursue an open process and consult with the communities most affected by the building of new prisons, before making a decision, instead of carrying out their plans in secret."

To get all the reaction to the news read next week's Warrington Guardian.