THERE are almost 5,000 fewer victims of crime in the county than this time last year, according to new figures presented to Cheshire Police Authority.

Crime across Cheshire has fallen by 6.1 per cent equating to 4,902 less victims.

Margaret Ollerenshaw, chairman of the Authority, said: “This is excellent news for the people of Cheshire.

“The Authority works closely with the Chief Constable to make sure that the people of Cheshire are safe and feel safer.

“We hope that these results go some way to helping people to feel safer as the chances of becoming a victim of crime is relatively low, especially compared with other areas of the country.”

The percentage of crimes detected at 29.1 per cent is an improvement on the 25.5 per cent achieved in 2007/08.

Almost 30 per cent of crimes have been resolved using a restorative justice approach providing victims, their families and representatives of the community with the opportunity to be directly involved in determining punishments for an offender to make amends for the harm they have caused.

Evidence suggests this reduces the chance of offenders re-offending.

During the last year there were: l 7,948 vehicle crimes recorded – a decrease of 15 per cent.

l A fall in the number of violent crimes recorded of 6.9 per cent.

l A 9.8 per cent reduction in serious acquisitive crime which groups together a variety of offences including aggravated domestic burglary, theft from vehicles, business and personal robbery.

l A 13.3 per cent reduction in criminal damage.

l 3,918 domestic burglaries recorded – an increase of 1.1 per cent.