THE UK Independence Party launched its campaign for success in June’s Euro elections by saying the country could no longer afford to be ruled by Brussels.

And UKIP is so confident they are in tune with the mood of the country they are predicting they will at least double their number of Euro MPs.

John Whittaker, current MEP, stands down before the June 4 poll but Paul Nuttall, lead candidate and party chairman, is confident of success in the north west.

“This week we have the most important budget in 50 years,” he said.

“The country is desperately short of cash, yet we are still spending £40 million a day to be members of the European Union.

“The message is simple – we can no longer afford the EU.

“It’s no wonder the other parties don’t want to talk about the EU. They all support this European project but don’t all want to admit that to the electorate. “So we are asking Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat supporters to ‘lend us your vote’ for this election,” said Mr Nuttall.

“Apathy is always a problem with elections but we want to make sure that people realise just how important this particular one is and this week will see our thought provoking billboards going up all over the north west.

“We have one MEP in the north west at present but we confidently expect to have at least two returned this time round,” said Mr Nuttall.