A CHARITY that provided priceless support to the family of a teenage cancer sufferer is to get a funding boost as one member of the family prepares to run the London Marathon today, Sunday.

Clic Sargent helped Graham Harding’s family when he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma last year.

Now Graham’s cousin Stephen Evans is preparing to run the marathon in an effort to raise £2,000 for the charity, which Graham’s family describe as ‘like your own personal administrator helping you out’.

Graham, aged 17, a keen goalkeeper who used to play for Cheshire Disability football team, is now recovering from the cancer which reached stage three before it was caught.

After months of chemotherapy he is at Warrington Collegiate preparing for the life ahead of him.

For 25-year-old Stephen, running the marathon is a small challenge compared to what Graham, a former Green Lane Special School pupil, suffered in his treatment.

“When I feel like giving up or if I need inspiration, it will be him,” said Stephen, who plays rugby for St Helens Pilkington Recs.

“I whinge and moan about things like we all do but when you think about what people like Graham have been through you just get on with it,” he added.

Clic Sargent helped Graham’s mum and dad, Graham and Janet, deal with the day-to-day practicalities of their son’s treatment, giving money to pay bills and helping organise time off work for them.

“They were with us throughout the whole process,” said Janet, of Chapelford.