A THIEF has been banned from entering Birchwood Shopping Centre after stealing two Nokia mini speakers from Carphone Warehouse.

Alan Thomson, aged 29, of Layton Close, appeared at Warrington Magistrates’ Court last Tuesday after a security guard at the centre caught him on March 26 stowing the speakers in a carrier bag.

Sonia Bellerby, prosecuting, said: “He said he had gone into Carphone Warehouse with the intention of stealing something.”

Thomson, who has 16 convictions for 32 offences including 28 for theft, is a recovering heroin addict, the court heard.

Gary Schooler, defending, said: “He said he has not used drugs in quite some time and is not taking any substitute medication.

“He talked about being short of money and that motivated his behaviour.

“He is being optimistic about his future and has managed to avoid using drugs for the last four weeks.”

Magistrates adjourned his sentencing until May 13 for a probation report and banned him from entering Birchwood Shopping Centre.

Bench chairman Mr Hall said: “This is really your last chance because if you are deemed unsuitable and don’t engage with the programme there is little else that can be done with you.”