PENKETH and Old Hall Angling Society held a clean-up day at Brownlees Pool off Shackleton Close.

The working party removed a large amount of leaf litter from the pool that had built up over the winter and helped oxygenate the water with a new pump and generator.

They also added 20 onion sacks full of barley straw to help prevent any algae problems.

The pool is situated in a Woodland Trust area and the group hope to add more plants and wildlife to the scene by installing two artificial islands.

Paul Bryan, club secretary, said: “The Environment Agency supplied us with two islands free of charge which we hope to put in soon.

“As time goes by plants on them will start to grow, helping the water to oxygenate for the fish and creatures will grow from there encouraging extra wildlife to come to the pool.

“It’s a fine combination between people fishing and the area being as natural as possible because the pool is as much for the public as it is anybody else.”