PUPIL places in Lymm could be on the increase as plans to extend numbers at a primary school are discussed.

Oughtrington Primary School could see pupil numbers rise from 45 pupils to 60 pupils per year to compensate for the heavily subscribed schools in the area.

Clr Shelia Woodyatt, executive member for children’s services, said: “We have had in Lymm in the last few years 900 odd new houses built. Because of the types of developments we do need this.”

Consultation has already been carried out on the expansion and according to reports most responses are positive.

But some residents voiced their concerns over traffic problems should the expansion go ahead.

“People felt the expansion would add tot hat problem, but we are doing everything we can to ease the traffic situation. It is something we need, it’s going to make a tremendous difference ti the education of pupils in Lymm,” added Clr Woodyatt (Lymm - Con).

The expansion would cost in the region of £1.5 million for extensions to the current school building to accommodate the extra pupils.

Warrington Borough Council’s executive board approved a statutory notice to extend pupil numbers from 315 to 420 pupils.