PLANS to transform the dilapidated area surrounding Warrington Market have risen from the ashes of a previous failed attempt to reverse it’s fortunes.

Time Square’s redevelopment into a high quality office, retail, leisure and hotel development moved a step closer after the site was acquired by the North West Development Agency (NWDA).

Steven Broomhead, chief executive of NWDA, said: “Warrington is a growth town, it has excellent transport links and plenty of out-of-town development, but the huge potential of the town centre has so far been missed.

“The Golden Square shopping centre has proved town centre development in Warrington can be successful but it is not matched by the office space, hotels and restaurants that a successful commercial district needs.”

Time Square was one of two separate projects for deprived areas of the town centre and when they came to planning Warrington Borough Council approved both.

But despite winning approval from a government inspector at public inquiry the then Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government, Ruth Kelly ruled Time Square could not go ahead, favouring the Winwick Street development.

Since then a scheme that would see the area get a much needed makeover has been sought and now the council has the chance to redevelop the land as part of it’s Bridge Street Quarter programme.

And it could mean that the plan for Time Square could come to fruition before it’s favoured counterpart across the other side of town.

“Time Square is a new opportunity on a scale which can support significant regeneration, creating new high-quality leisure and office space, new jobs and levering in a considerable amount of public and private sector funding,” added Mr Broomhead.

The 1.2 hectare site is part of the redevelopment of the Bridge Street Quarter that could bring in up to £80 million in private investment to the town centre.

Based around a central plaza there would be restaurant and evening use alongside office and residential developments as well as an upgraded market.

Clr Bob Barr, board member for planning, regeneration and housing, said: “The Bridge Street Quarter is one of the borough’s key regeneration aspirations and will be important to the revitalisation of the southern part of the town centre. Acquiring the site means that we can now progress this important opportunity.”